
Attributes & Properties

ticks_per_quarterintNumber of ticks per quarter note
tpqintAlias for ticks_per_quarter
tracksTrackListList of tracks in the score
time_signaturesTimeSignatureListList of time signatures in the score
key_signaturesKeySignatureListList of key signatures in the score
temposTempoListList of tempos in the score
markersTextMetaListList of markers in the score
ttypeTick | Quarter | SecondTime unit of the score
start()intThe global start time of the score
end()intThe global end time of the score
note_num()intThe total number of notes in the score
empty()boolWhether the score is empty

Constructors & IO

Score(self, tpq: int = 960, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Create a new score with the given tpq
Score(self, other: Score, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Create a new score by deep copying the other score
Score(self, path: Union[str, Path], ttype: GeneralTimeUnit, fmt: Optional[str])Load a score from the given file path (midi or abc notation)
from_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path], ttype: GeneralTimeUnit, fmt: Optional[str]Load a score from the given file path (midi or abc notation)
from_midi(cls, data: bytes, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Load a score from the given midi data (bytes)
from_abc(cls, data: str, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Load a score from the given abc notation data (str)
from_tpq(cls, tpq: int = 960, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Create a new score with the given tpq
from_other(cls, other: Score, ttype: GeneralTimeUnit)Create a new score by deep copying the other score
dump_midi(self, path: Union[str, Path])Dump the score to a midi file at the given path
dumps_midi(self)Dump the score to a midi file and return the bytes
dump_abc(self, path: Union[str, Path])Dump the score to an abc file at the given path
dumps_abc(self)Dump the score to an abc file and return the str

Note that pickle is supported for serialization and deserialization.


copy(self, deep=True)Return a deep(default) or shallow copy of the score. Both copy.copy and copy.deepcopy functions are supported
to(self, ttype, min_dur: Optional[target_unit])Convert the score to a new Score with the given ttype
pianoroll(self, modes: List[str], pitch_range=(0, 128), encode_velocity=False)Only for TickScore. Convert the score to a 3D piano-roll matrix (numpy.ndarray) with the given modes. The pitch range and velocity encoding can be specified.


resample(self, tpq: int, min_dur: Optional[int])Resample a score of any ttype into a new TickScore with the given tpq
clip(self, start: unit, end: unit, clip_end=False, inplace=False)Clip the score to the given range. If clip_end is True, notes will be clipped if they end after end
adjust_time(self, original_times: List[unit], new_times: List[unit], inplace=False)Adjust the time of the events in the score from the original times to the new times(Interpolating)
sort(self, reverse=False, inplace=True)Sort all events in the score by their default compare rules. The order of tracks would also be sorted.
shift_time(self, offset: unit, inplace=False)Shift the time of all the events in the score by the given offset
shift_pitch(self, offset: int, inplace=False)Shift the pitch of all the notes in the score by the given offset
shift_velocity(self, offset: int, inplace=False)Shift the velocity of all the notes in the score by the given offset